Finding Home: Inspiring Journeys with Tri-Cities Habitat

At Tri-Cities Habitat for Humanity, we believe that every family deserves a place to call home. But what does that journey look like? To shed light on this important mission, we reached out to our Habitat homeowners to share their personal stories and experiences. Each narrative is a testament to resilience, hope, and community support. In this blog, you’ll hear from one of those families who have walked the path to homeownership, overcoming obstacles and celebrating milestones along the way.

Join us as we explore these inspiring journeys and discover how Habitat for Humanity has changed lives, one home at a time.

Can you share a bit about your journey to becoming a Habitat for Humanity Homeowner?

After 14 years working at the same place I was let go because they eliminated my position.   I was left without a good-paying job and a friend mentioned Habitat for Humanity that I should at least look into it. I had taken a job at Grand Haven Tribune and had some income from Foster Care and adoption subsidies.

What motivated you to apply to Habitat?

I’m raising my two grandchildren and was hoping to provide more security for them.

I applied for a habitat house and was accepted.

I could have never purchased a home under the financial conditions I was left with after losing my job.

How has becoming a homeowner impacted your long-term goals and plans?

Habitat provided a program that would help me and my granddaughters have the security of a home with a price that I could afford.

I have encouraged other people to apply as I hear other people’s stories of families that have no home and their financially struggling just to pay rent.

How has the support from Habitat and its volunteers impacted your experience?

I worked with Beth Hannis the director.  A lot of paperwork was required, and it was all well worth it.  I was required to put work hours in and I even had my grown kids stepping up to help out to build a habitat home.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I had a video of us all in the basement on Columbus with jackhammers and hard hats all dancing to YMCA.. we were so excited I was qualified and getting a home.

We moved in just before Christmas I got my two granddaughters a double mattress and the key to the house and we had our first night in our home just before Christmas.


Check back for more stories on our families!